December 7, 2011
Dear Daisy Parents,
We are looking forward to an exciting, adventure filled year with your super star daughters.
We will meet the second Monday of the month after school until 5:30 PM. The meetings will take place in Ms. Binder’s classroom.
The calendar is attached to this email and can be viewed on the troop blog.
CAVEAT: This is a sketch of the year and things may change based on unforeseen circumstancesand we ask families to be understanding.
Every Girl Scout Troop is a little different. While adhering to the Girl Scout Brownie curriculum, troopgoals and activities are developed by the interests of the girls, the leaders, and the families that wouldlike to participate. Thus far our troop has been very interested in camping and service projects. Our troop objectives and goals are listed below.
DAISY TROOP 2734-- Objectives (Being Kind is Most Important!)
· Open doors for girls at an early age and help them to acquire skillsand interests that they will take with them into the future.
· Promote girls’ perception of themselves as competent, responsible, and open to newexperiences and challenges.
· Help girls develop sensitivity to others and respect for their needs, feelings, and rights.
· Foster the ability to build friendships and working relationships.
· Foster an ability to make decisions that are consistent with girls’ values and that reflectrespect for the rights and needs of others.
· Help girls develop concern for the well being of their communities.
· Encourage girls to use their skills to work with others for the benefit of all.
Troop 2734-- 2012 Goals
· Spring Service Unit Encampment –in May 2012
· 2 Field Trips
· 1 Service Projects
· Complete 3 + Try-Its
· Daisy Petals
· Daisy—Between Earth and Sky (for field trips)
· Participate in 2 official Girl Scout events: Thinking Day and Rock the Mall
Registration Fee and Troop Dues
Your GSA registration ($12.00) and troop dues ($28.00) are used to enroll your daughter as a Girl Scoutfor 2010-2011 and to defray the costs of running the troop meetings respectively. While we’ll try to keepcosts low there will be expenses for camping and other trips. To help off-set costs we may ask foradditional crafts and patch fees. Please remember, Girl Scouts is open to everyone! If you have any problem meeting the costs of this program financial aid is available via the GSCNC website formB251 and is confidential. Snacks will be Assigned Schedule.
Troop Communication
Troop Blog - contains all of our troop information and photos. You can access the troop calendar,VolunteerSpot, and download forms. Site address is
Troop Google Group - we can use to send troop wide emails which are stored at the google group site. To send an email to the troop you use the email address (We would like to limit the use of this group to Girl Scout communication only.)
Troop Leadership Email – to send an email to troop leadership use the address
Try-Its (associated with Brownies and beyond)
Girls will earn Try-Its in several ways:
· At meetings, lead by leaders, parents, and guest speakers
· Camping
· Field Trips
· At home with families - if girls complete try-its on their own they need to complete a“Try-It Affidavit” signed by an adult and present it to the troop at a meeting. - parents purchase badges
· At “Try-It” events -event price includes badges
· At summer camps - parents purchase badges
· Tie in with school curriculum - troop and/or parents purchase badges
Parent Volunteers
As a Daisy the troop will not require as many parent volunteers at meetings or events. We would, however,like to include interested families. Volunteer needs are posted at
· We need 3 adults to run a meeting and we need 4 adults for camping and field trips. 6:1 (child:parent) My suggestion is the designated snack person could be the volunteer person.
· We need parents to assist the girls in planning ceremonies and celebrations
· We need adults to plan and lead try-it activities - We would like parents to lead try-its. If you have a special skill or interest you would like to share with the girls please let us know. We will provide a list of the try-its we plan to complete as a troop and the try-its we would like parents to take on.You can lead a try-it on your own or with a group of parents. You can do it at Key during a regular meeting time or at your home on a weekend.
Active and Passive Troop Membership
Events and Meetings: Check out our calendar. There are 6 meeting and 5 events. More events will be available and not every girl will be able to make every event or meeting. The girls have a lot going on! We have tried to schedule events at varying times - after school, in the evenings, on Saturdays and on Sundays. Girls only need to attend the events they are interested in.
Try-Its and Patch Programs: As a troop we will complete 3 try-its. Girls are encouraged to work on try-its at home with their families, and attend try-it days as well. Some girls will be more interested and ambitious then others. That’s okay! If they are interested they can earn a lot of try-its, if they are not interested, that’s fine too. All that is to say, some girls will have more try-its and patches then other girls.
Meeting Snacks:
Meeting snacks should be healthy and easy for cleaning up. Apples, carrots, cheese, crackers, animal crackers, frozen yogurt tubes. Please sign up for snacks for either a meeting or an event you are planning on attending.
Health: We need a new health form for each girl this year.
Volunteer Forms:
GSA Form Membership:
Try-It Affidavit: If girls complete try-its on their own they need to complete a Try-It Affidavit and present to the troop. The form is available on our blog.
Troop Payment Invoice: Going forward all troop payments and reimbursements will be handled by the Troop MoneyManager – Jennifer Powell. Payments should be mailed or hand delivered to the Jennifer Powell house with a Payment Invoice. The Payment Invoice is available on our troop blog.
Uniforms and Insignia
For a Daisy Girl Scout to be in “official uniform” they only need to wear their Daisy membership pin. Most families will choose to purchase the Daisy smock to wear to meetings and special events.
Parents may supply: smock, wavy American flag, iron-on troop numeral Daisy insignia tab, individually earned badges.
Troop will provide: Daisy petal (as earned, World Trefoil pin*, troop earned badges, journey patches, program activity patches, service hour patches, and membership stars.
We will be using The Daisy Girl Scout Handbook (Petals), and The Journey Book “Between Earth and Sky” for field trips. Girls do not need to purchase books.
Leadership Team
Alina Sosa Trimble—Troop Leader (Organizer)
Sara Snow - Co-Leader
Anna Lucca - Service Project Leader
Jenifer Powell - Treasurer
Heather Diehl -- Assist in Field Trips
Camping Guru
Cookie Managers)
Web Master
Parent Leads Journey
Parent Leads for Try-its