Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hello Everybody,
I just wanted to extend a great big thank you to Karen Marangi, Jen Rosenberg and Sara Snow for the Long Branch Overnight. The experience was an event of a lifetime for our girls and the hope of many more to come.  Also, I wanted to give a shout out to Jennifer Powell who has graciously offered her beautiful backyard for our overnight encampment in April. (April 14th-15).  Thank you ladies for making our troop a memory that will be cherished for a lifetime.

1. Longbranch Nature Highlights:
Christina Yakobi, Long Branch Naturalist, was uniquely excellent and qualified to teach the kids (she told a great folk story about why the moon had a rabbit shape on its surface instead of monkeys or hyenas; showed us about the spring frogs -peepers which were incredibilbly loud; we saw tadpoles, turtles; were read to at bedtime; fed turtles in the am; and were shown the horned owl--and their lovely pellets YUK! Then we took a lovely morning hike).Good times!  Karen Marangi (mother to all the overnighters --it seemed) and Jen Rosenberg excellently organized us with snacks and breakfast; Sara organized the event quite seemlessly and 5 moms went - Heather Deihl, Ana Maria Gray, Karen Marangi, Anna Lucca, Sara Snow (leader) and Alina Trimble (CO-LEADER aka First Aider extraordinaire:)  It was an amazing time! (ALTHOUGH AT $300 for 8 kids with payment of $32 we were $44 shy of our target plus, the $75 of supplies and $2 patch; therefore, we need to increase our buffer for troop expenses going forward -SEE MONEY MATTERS below) 

2. Aladin 11 March, 2012  1:45-4:30ish
For those of you dropping off; please let me know and sign form B221 or see the link here http://register.gscnc.org:8080/iFiller/iFiller.jsp?fref=00dc06646580c719ff23adc1a3e7f35a#.

3. Meeting 3 --12 March, 2012  3:45-5:30
We will be going over Respecting Authority Petal and getting a visit from our School Principle and maybe (the FBI - I am still working the angle on this one, but I think I have the insiders connection ;)  Also, we might be discussing our Service Project with our girls with Anna Lucca who is kind enough to put together alternatives; one is perhaps a heater for the inside pool of Longbranch for both the turtles and fish there.  More to come.

4. National Air and Space Museum 24 March, 2012  10-2pm
--Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center  14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway Chantilly, VA 20151
I was thinking that we can go individually as a family or pair off in groups. Who is interested in going to this event? Take a look at the link and let me know so I can better organize http://www.gscnc.org/nasm.html  I think we can order the patch after the event in leui of registrating I will give a call tomorrow to verify.

5. MONEY MATTERS:  We (Jennifer Powell, and Sara Snow) have been discussing and have agreed that we need to ask each of you for an additional $40 for dues of unforeseen expenses outside of the monthly meetings which were originally budgeted. We are at a deficit for Longbranch ($123) and given the upcoming future troop expenses like the girls scout pins and more patches outside of the daisy petals which the girls have been earning.  Also, we need a buffer of at least $10/child which if not used this year will be used next year.   Please mail the check to Jennifer Powell (2128 N. Pollard Street, 22207) or hand it to Sara or me at our next Troop Meeting Monday--3/12.  Should you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate in calling or emailing.

Also, if you haven't registered for the Rock the Mall, I would do so because once they run out of t-shirts and patches- that is it.  We will go to this event inidividually and pair off into groups to give us flexibility.  It will be a fun event in June so don't miss it--check out the link http://100.gscnc.org/rtm_about.html

All the best,

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