Tuesday, March 20, 2012

January Update:

Hola Girlscout Daisy Padres,

1. A big thank you to Anna and Sara for the World Thinking Prep:
Fun was had at Anna Lucca's house learning about Chile:
their dance (la Cueca),
their bird (Andea Condor)
making their flower (copihue) and their flag (which looks alot like Texas!)
earthquakes (hope we didn't instill any fears)
Food (very important element that should never be overlooked--banana chips and corn, mango juice and grapes(their grape farmers are cleaning up during winter month in production)

2. Look Aheads--  Feb 13 is the sign up for day time camps for girl scout; 

3. Added Items
 a-  March 3         Longbranch Overnight (indoor)
 b- April 14          Tent Overnight (Trimble house although if your house is better please volunteer. Both Sara and I have tents to fit us all)
 c- May 18th -20  Overnight Encampment with SU 60 Arlingtong at the Shenandoa Meadows --Need to let Sara or I know if you are interested in having your child join us for this or if you will go with her to spend the day. Space is limited.

4. It's official I am now a certified Pediatric and Adult First Aider CPR certified --which means we can do field trips.

5. $5 for Thinking Day to Sara for Thinking Day and Pizza for 2/23 Pizza school-wide event; $30 for Encampment May 18-20 deposit.

That is all for now. Thanks.

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